Monday 26 March 2012

Game Review: Kingdom Rush

Time for a Rush!

The genre that Kingdom Rush resides in is Tower Defence. I know that people tire easily of these types of games, but in my opinion, this game would be an exception, just because it has a unique quality to it, and appealing visuals. Kingdom Rush was made by Ironhide Games and hosted by Amor Games, and there have been over 22 million plays on Armor Games alone.

Campaign Mode

In the Kingdom Rush campaign, you go through stages like many other Defence games. Whenever you complete a level, you will get 1-3 stars, depending on how many enemies you let in, if you let 0 in, you get 3 stars. As I've mentioned, this game has a unique quality to it, one of the ways the game is unique is that, unlike most other Circuit Tower Defences, this one only allows placement of towers at certain areas, so it requires more thinking than most other Defence games. Of course this doesn't mean that this game is any better than other Circuit games, but I like the limited spaces because in other games I feel like I screwed up for good when don't space my turrets properly. But what really captures me is the animations -both audio and visual- that are present in this game. It's also very easy to play, and requires only a minute to get into the swing of the game. Some stages may get boring, but once every few rounds, there's something interesting and new that appears. First it's the upgrades that you unlock, then it's the achievements and new bosses that you have to take down. All-in-all, I like this game quite a lot, and it's very addictive but not in a bad way, just a "play it once a week" kinda way.


Although this game requires thinking, you don't need to exhaust your brain every single round. If you play on Easy difficulty, you won't find much trouble, maybe a 1 or 2 star once in a while, but it's not too hard to just get through each stage. There are also challenges for each stage that you can try only if you have scored 3 stars, but don't worry if you scored less than that, you can always redo the round, or see if Youtube has any tips on how to pass that stage if you're having a brain fart.


There are two ways to make your Towers stronger, one is in game, by upgrading your turret to deal more damage and have abilities, the other is on the Upgrade page. When you pass rounds in Campaign, you will get 1-3 stars, those stars may be used here to upgrade these abilities, you can upgrade your towers or spells. You should know that if you complete a challenge, you will get one star from them, so the total number of Stars you can get per round is up to 5. Of course the cost for a new upgrade will increase as you go up a tier. The description of each Upgrade will be available to you if you hover your cursor over the picture. The each upgrade is restricted to only one class. For example, if you get an upgrade that gives more range, and it is under the Marksman section, only Marksman will get the Upgrade.


I guess one of the things about this game that attracts me are the achievements you can earn. They give you a sense of satisfaction, and are like Pokemon, "Gotta Catch'em All". There are 4 pages of Achievements to collect and 62 stages with 3 types of play at each stage (over 180 rounds!). Also, don't forget about getting the upgrades, there 30 Upgrades to obtain.So that would keep you busy for a while if you've been bored lately. 

5 Tips

I can't really give you tutorials on how to win, you will have to do that yourself, but I can offer you tips on the best ways to place your turrets, and what upgrades to get, although everything I will tell you will be fairly early game, when you have few Stars to invest. However, some of the tips should be kept in mind the whole game, you may need to apply the help differently each stage, but if you follow these simple instructions, you should be able to fly through every stage on easy. Maybe with a few tries, even normal mode.

1. The one tower you will always need are your Barracks, they are much used later game, but are also very helpful early game as well. The Barracks will produce up to 3 soldiers for you, if one dies, another will respawn after a duration. The reason why they are so important is because they are good at stalling your enemies so that your turrets have more time to attack your enemies. Barracks should be place in the middle of many other turret locations. You will also need to make your rally point (where the soldiers assemble) within the range of many turrets, so they can hit them while your enemies are barred. 

2. In the early stages, you should build only Barracks, Marksman towers,and Artillery. The barracks for the reason explained in the first tip, Marksman because they have high attack speed and good for taking down tough opponents. The Artillery is for mobbing, they can hit multiple enemies, so placing them at the spawn point (marked with skulls) is ideal. 

3. When you get the upgrade for your Barracks to enlist barbarians, you should place to barracks close to each other if that particular round has many ground units. The first of your barracks will be upgraded to enlist the heavily armoured paladins, while you make your second barracks into a barbarian village. You set your the rally point for your defensive barracks in from of the rally point for barbarians since they can protect the weak-armoured barbarians while they attack with ranged axes. Even if you use this strategy, you will also need to use Marksman towers to pick off whoever happens to slip past your Barracks, and you will most likely need Wizard towers as well, since if your are that much into the game, many armour units will spawn, and your wizard towers will be able to penetrate their armour.

4. How do you decide which turrets you should be upgrading first? Well it's quite simple, you look at what happened during your previous rounds, what have they been lacking? Did you need to constantly use "Call Reinforcements" constantly? If yes, then you upgrade your Barracks, if it's a no, you upgrade your mobbing Artillery turret so that it stays that way. Don't get me wrong, you should always be using Call Reinforcements, but if that only succeeds in keeping then a centimetre from the castle, then you need to stall them for longer, or with more barracks. You also need to check how much health they had after they passed your turrets, if they had lots of health, you definitely need barracks, if they had low health, you should upgrade/buy an offensive turret. 

To determine which offensive turret to buy will take a while to explain, so here it goes. If the enemies that got through are heavily armoured, you get Wizard towers for they armour penetration. However, if you can, you should upgrade your Wizard turret, but if it is already fully upgraded, you should think about placing it elsewhere or construct a second one. If many healthy enemies get through, you should construct/upgrade your mobbing Artillery, but if they persist to get through, it's best to make Marksman and take out as many as possible and hope for a narrow victory. If only a few make it through, you should also place Marksmen, because they can easily take out a few healthy and moderately armoured foes.

5. The fifth tip for you is to constantly spam your 1's and 2's, those are the quick keys for your spells "Call Reinforcements" and "Rain of Fire". Not to contradict tip #4, if you are relying on them too much (unless you are investing your stars in spells) you should fix that. Your turrets are more reliable and the cooldown for Rain of Fire is long, so it should be saved for a particularly large wave of armoured units for better affect. You should always have # 2 on cooldown, since the expiration for them is a bit past the cooldown, so you can stack up a bit each round (they will die easily unless you have upgraded them with stars).

So that's it for this post, the link to the game on the AmorGames website is below. Remember to thank Irondhide Games for this game, and there is also an app for this accessible on your Apple products -iPhone, iPod, etc.- and is #1 in the Strategy genre. This is a note that if you want to play this game, you can link an account to the game with your Facebook or Twitter.

Kingdom Rush

-The Rooster

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